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In this OSRS The Lost Tribe Quest Guide, we’ll go through all the steps to complete the quest.

This guide is a part of our OSRS Optimal Quest Guide.

The Lost Tribe story & info

A hole was accidentally made in the Lumbridge Cellars by Cave Goblins known as the Dorgeshuun Tribe. During this quest, you find out more about this Lost Tribe and attempt to forge an alliance between Lumbridge and the harmless Dorgeshuun Tribe.

Quest Requirements

skill requirements Skill Requirements

quest requirements Quest Requirements

item requirements Item Requirements

  • A pickaxe
  • A light source (candle, bullseye lantern)


  • Teleports to Lumbridge
  • Teleports to Varrock
  • Teleports to Falador

OSRSGuide Recommendation:

Use the Quest Helper Plugin for Runelite.

The Quest Helper Plugin makes Questing TONS easier.

  • Helps keep track of the item requirements and whether you have them on you or not
  • Displays a quest guide in the sidebar
  • Highlights NPCs you need to talk to
  • Knows which dialogue you need to use during the quest
  • Shows the next location in the quest on your map

If you want to install it, you can install the Quest Helper directly from your Plugin Hub on Runelite.

install the quest helper plugin for runelite from the runelite plugin hub

The Lost Tribe Guide

Quest Start

Speak with Sigmund in Lumbridge Castle (1st floor up) to start the quest.

The lost tribe quest start

Ask him for a quest. Dialogue: 1-1

There was an explosion in the Lumbridge Castle basement. We will need to go ask the citizens of Lumbridge if they know more.

Asking Around

We will need to ask 4 characters in Lumbridge whether they know more about what happened in the Lumbridge Cellar.

First, go downstairs and speak with the Cook in the kitchen. Dialogue: 2

Then, speak with Hans outside the castle. Dialogue: 1

Next, speak with Father Aereck in the Lumbridge church. Dialogue: 1

And finally, Speak with Bob in his axe store just West of the graveyard. Dialogue: 1

One of them will mention something about Goblins.

Then, return to the castle and speak with Duke Horacio. Dialogue: 3

the lost tribe quest guide: duke horacio

Investigating the Basement

Go down to the Lumbridge Basement (take the trapdoor in the Lumbridge kitchen).

Use your pickaxe on the rubble.

the lost tribe quest mine the rubble in the lumbridge cellar

Now Squeeze through the hole.

Walk into the tunnel until you find a Brooch on the floor, pick up the Brooch.

finding the brooch in the lost tribe quest

Return to the Duke and speak with him. Dialogue: 3

Learning about Goblins

Teleport to Varrock and go to the Library inside the castle.

book of goblins for the lost tribe quest

Search this bookcase for a Goblin book. Read all the pages.

Your character will now realize the Brooch belongs to the Dorgeshuun Tribe.

Teleport to Falador and run northwest towards the Goblin Village.

goblin generals location osrs

Speak with the Goblin Generals. Dialogue: 1-3-2-3-3

speak with the goblin generals during the lost tribe quest

They will teach you two goblin salutes.

Making Contact with the Dorgeshuun

Teleport to Lumbridge and go back down the hole in the basement. BRING YOUR LIGHT SOURCE!

Follow this path.

the lost tribe quest maze

You’ll find Mistag at the end of the path.

Perform the Goblin Bow Emote in front of him and then speak with him.

the lost tribe mistag

Fast travel back to Lumbridge by right-clicking on Mistag and speak with Duke Horacio in the castle. Dialogue: 3

You’ll him you made contact with the Dorgeshuun.

speak again with duke horacio to tell him you made contact with the dorgeshuun

The Duke wants war because silverware was stolen.

Next, pickpocket Sigmund to find a key.

the lost tribe pickpocket sigmund

Now open the chest in the room next door (Sigmund’s room).

the lost tribe sigmunds room

Your character discovered that Sigmund is a member of the Humans Against Monsters (H.A.M) cult.

Next, run towards the H.A.M. hideout behind the Lumbridge castle.

go to the ham hideout

Pick Lock the trapdoor.

pick lock the trapdoor to H.A.M hideout

Once inside, search the first crate to find the stolen silverware.

search the crate inside the ham hideout to find the silverware sigmund stole from the castle

Teleport back to Lumbridge and return the silverware to Duke Horacio. Dialogue: 3

Duke Horacio will give you a Peace Treaty.

Go back down to the basement, squeeze through the hole, and walk until you see Kazgar. Follow Kazgar.

Once you reach Mistag, give Mistag the Peace Treaty to complete the quest.

Quest Rewards

Here are the rewards for completing The Lost Tribe Quest:

  • 1 Quest Point
  • 3,000 Mining Experience
  • A ring of life
  • Access to the Dorgeshuun Mine
the lost tribe quest rewards


Dean started playing Runescape in 2006 when he was just 10 years old and has been playing ever on and off ever since (you never quit OSRS, right?) In 2013 he switched to OSRS Servers and never looked back. Dean has spent over 20,000 hours in the game now and frequently revisits his favourite portion of OSRS; the early-to-mid game through new account builds. You can also find bite-sized runescape guides on Deans' YouTube channel

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